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Q's & A's about the Jabish Brook Trestle

  • Where is the Jabish Brook Trestle?
 Click here to go to a map.
  • Is there a report that says the bridge needs to be looked at? 
​Yes.  A recent report by Conservation Works that says that it would be prudent to have a qualified engineer take a look at it. Link here.
Here' a link to a missive from a local engineer with a quote of $4,000 to do an initial look at the bridge. 
  •  Is there a letter from the funder committed to this transaction?
Yes. Norwottuck Network has committed to giving $2,000 to the effort if the Friends Group or others in  town can raise the matching $2,000. Link here.
  •  And in early December, 2022 the funding came together and the consultant did the job and produced the report. Here it is to the right. Click here.  It is only 11 pages and has lots of pictures.
view from the underside.jpg
Btown Bridge.jpg


Friends of the Belchertown Greenway

P.O. Box 171, Belchertown, MA  01007


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